Separate Cash Drawers

First step in turning on Separate Cash Drawers

    Click        More until Utility is shown
    Click        Utility
    Click        File Utilities
    Click        Salon Directory
    Type        CLSEP0 in the File Name box (Note: last character is a zero)
    Click        Create
Log out of the Program to finish enabling the Separate Cash Drawers.

Using Separate Cash Drawers

Once Separate Cash Drawers are enabled, each point of sale terminal must perform Open Register before sales can be rung out on that terminal. The Open Register asks for the employee name and starting cash.

Once the employee's shift is completed, each register must perform the Close Register function.

Once all employees have performed Close Register, the Close Day must be performed to post all of the registers totals. The Close Day shows any registers that were opened and not closed. All registers should be closed before performing the Close Day.

The Close Day Report is used to list the totals for each drawer.


Corrections can only be done from the point of sale register that the transactions were originally done on.  Higher level passwords allow information to be changed from any terminal.


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