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Fast Retail

Fast Retail is utilized when you do NOT want to record the customer's name for the retail purchase. The disadvantage is if the customer returns to the business you have no record of what they purchased. This function is ideal for high volume business that are located in malls, but we do not recommend this function for normal customers, since the history information is not recorded.

Adding Retail

Adding Retail Items is accomplished by clicking the Add Retail on the Customer Payment screen. Enter the retail code or scan the retail item. Items can be scanned from the cursor when it is at the Cash prompt without hitting the Add Retail button. The system will automatically display the retail price of the item. If a retail item's price needs adjusted, click on the item when the customer payment screen is showing.

Non-Taxable Retail

To make an item non-taxable, change the tax percentage to zero to make all items non-taxed. Retail items can be set to non-taxable when the items are setup under the inventory. For example: Making vitamins always displayed without any sales tax.

Discount Retail

The Discount Retail allows all items to be discounted by a particular percentage. To discount a retail item, click on the retail name and a discount screen for the single retail item is shown.

Employee Pricing

Employee pricing does not work when utilizing Fast Retail, since the computer does not know the name of the person purchasing retail. Use Fast Sale for employee purchases of retail.


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