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Walk-in Customers

Normally you would handle walk-in customers by checking them in and possibly booking an appointment with the employee that will be performing their services.  However there is an easier way to do these steps if you would like walk-in customers to be able to check in with the receptionist and then be picked up by the first employee that is available to do their services.  This is an optional feature that adds two new buttons to your regular options at the top of the screen - Check In Walk-in and Pick Up Walk-in.  To turn this feature on go into Utility, then File Utilities.  In the File Name box, type in CWALK0.YES and click Create.  If you decide to turn the feature back off go through the same steps but instead of clicking Create you would click Delete.

Check In Walk-in

When a walk-in customer comes up to the front desk the receptionist will click the Check In Walk-in button.  They then enter the customer's name and click continue.  Similar to the Check In screen they can then update any contact information (address, phone number, email address, etc.) that you have access to during the check in process.  After verifying the contact information you click Continue.  Finally you will select the services that the walk-in customer would like to have done that day and click Continue to finish the Check In Walk-in process.

Pick Up Walk-in

When one of the service providers finish with their current customer they can go into the Pick Up Walk-in button.  They will see a list of all walk-in customers that have already been checked in sorted by arrival time.  They would  then select the customer as well as their own name at the bottom of the screen in the Employee box and the desired start time for their appointment in the Appointment Time box.  Finally they would click Pick Up Customer to finish the customer pick up process.  The program will automatically book an appointment at the appropriate time with the appropriate employee for the selected services if the time is available.  If the time is not available the employee will have the option to continue anyways (allowing them to 'squeeze in' the walk-in customer).  The program will also automatically check the customer in.  All that's left is to greet the customer and start working!


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